Below are all known examples of the artist's unique and diverse style. All images remain the copyright of the individual owners. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone owning an ex libris not shown below could email a high-resolution image of same to, for inclusion in this catalog.
The above bookplates were Daniel's last "pared down" collection (he always thought he should only show a limited number of his exlibris, as people wouldn't want to see too many). As a tribute to the broad range of work he did through the decades, I have included herebelow a number of additional items he produced.
The following exlibris were submitted by Jim McCready, who has one of the most extensive collections of Daniel's ex libris anywhere. Jim is a teacher, retired 30 years, and ex-editor of the New Zealand Armorist. He admired Daniel's armorial exlibris, his passion for heraldry, and his generosity, having corresponded with Daniel for over 20 years.
The following exlibris were created by fellow artists for Daniel Lou Strik
The below exlibris were provided from Bernard Juby's collection